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Fox News


  1. No wonder most people only know what they hear from left-leaning channels. I used to enjoy watching Fox News.

  2. I love watching Fox News live on free tube tv! It’s always informative and I can always count on them to give me the latest news.

  3. Sean Hannity is not the broadcaster with the longest career, as he claims. That award goes to Bob Schieffer, who worked for CBS News for over 46 years, from 1969 to 2015. He served as a correspondent, anchor, and moderator of the CBS program “Face the Nation” during his tenure.

  4. Well, lemme tell ya ’bout Fox News – it’s like my go-to channel after a long day of hard work. They talk straight, no fancy mumbo-jumbo, and I reckon they’re on the same page as folks like me.

    Sure, there might be some flashy talkin’ heads, but I appreciate breakin down the news without gettin all highfalutin.

    Keeps it real for us regular folks, ya know?

  5. Something is wrong with the audio. It is waaay out of sync, like a full minute or more! I refreshed, cleared cookies, tried a different browser, no luck.

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